Saturday 2 November 2024

Forecast for the 2024 US elections

I've took some time to look at major predictive techniques for the 2024 US presidential race. 
I've checked both candidates, Trump and Harris, for the outcomes of some major forecasting techniques. 
Most of the techniques used are taken from traditional astrology. 
Many predictive techniques were checked for the date of writing, which is the 1st of Nov 2024. 
The results are available here, for you to read.

Some technical notes:
I've used the Astro-Databank listed times for both Trump and Harris.  
In the primary directions section, I've used the method of Placidus semi-arc, zodiacal.  
For firdaria I've used the regular sequence, discarding the change of node positions for night charts. 
The solar return section uses the candidates' birth town as a reference place. 
For all pictures in this article, please click on them to see an enlarged version with more detail. 
Made some minor edits and revamped the solar return section, on the 4.11.24. 

Trump & Harris Natal

Zodiacal Releasing

Trump enters a major L1 period, when releasing from spirit, on the 20th of April 2025. Three months after inauguration day. This seems quite major, as Leo is Trump's 1st house in his whole sign (WS) chart. Also, the Sun which rules Leo is in the auspicious 10th, conjunct the elevating north node. Also, a good indication. 
Alas, Mars and Pluto inhabit in Trump's 1st WS house, and Mars is the out of sect malefic. This may show that violence or the use of force may somehow be involved at the beginning of this period. 
On level-2, when releasing from spirit, Trump is in a culmination period till the 21st of Nov 2024. This may also play to his advantage. This culmination period isn't all flowers and rainbows though, as it fall on a cadent house, both natally and from fortune. 
We also need to take in account that major periods are basically signs of active times in one's life, not necessarily good active times for the native. That's also a possibility in Trump's case.  

Harris' zodiacal releasing period, from spirit, also seem decent. Right now and till July 2025, she's in a major L1 and L2 period (angular from fortune). Also, the relatively benefic north node is located in her L2 sign of activation (Gemini). 
Overall, nothing too exciting here, but things do seem positive and stable. 

In conclusion, Harris' ZR spirit period looks more stable, and thus a bit better. 

Trump & Harris Zodiacal Releasing

 Annual Profections

In continuous annual profections we can see that Trump is currently in a Pisces profected year, which would fall on his unlucky 8th house. The ruler would be Jupiter in Libra in the 2nd house, which is okay in terms of dignity (term and triplicity, and stationing direct). I'm not sure though, how that Jupiter would fare in terms of bringing Trump to a position of authority. It may be a bit less likely. 
Overall, the Profections don't seem as good, although they don't seem horrible, either.    

We can see that in continuous annual profections Kamala Harris has the advantage. Till the end of December 2024, she's in a Gemini profected year, which falls on her rising sign. This makes the period the possible stage for a new beginning of sorts, maybe a presidency.
Also we have the more positive north node in her rising sign, and the ruler would be Mercury. That Mercury isn't in the best shape as it's peregrine, and in the 6th WS house. Despite that fact, Mercury is conjunct the Sun which symbolizes authority and is conjunct the fixed star Princeps, which has to do with nobility or royalty. Also Mercury is the ruler of the rising, which may negate some if its drawbacks. 

Overall, I'd say that the profections look better in the case of Harris, and less beneficial in the case of Trump. Although, not by much. 

Distributions (Circumambulations through the bounds)

Trump's latest development in distributions is focused on his directed ascendant lord moving to the terms of Mars, inside the sign of Scorpio in Aug 2023.
Mars is a strong but a divisive planet in his chart, being conjunct the ascendant, not far away from Regulus and in the feral sign of Leo. Trump's directed ascendant first moved to the terms of Mars (back then it was in Libra) in January 2021, when he vacated his seat and agitated towards January 6th, which didn't bring him much favor. Probably, Trump would continue his divisive line, even after the elections would be over. This may mean he would lose, and then try to agitate against Harris, claiming election fraud. 

Harris' distributions look better. Her directed ascendant moved to the bounds of Saturn in July 2020, which was approximately the time, in which she announced that she'd be running for president. As we know, this bid failed, but she was chosen to be Biden's running mate. Thus we can see that the shift of her directed ascendant to a Saturn bound, coincided with political success. 
In 2024, her directed ascendant would still be in the bound of Saturn, for five more years. This probably means that her political rise will continue and that she would be elected as the next president. 
We also have to note that Saturn is very prominent in her horoscope. Being conjunct the MC, domicile in Aquarius and supporting her luminaries by positive aspects.  
Funny enough, Harris' natal chart shows the Saturn in Aquarius is in opposition to her natal Mars in Leo, and in exact opposition to Trump's Mars in Leo. Recreating this plot line of her life story, perhaps. 

The bottom line is that distributions seem to favor Harris over Trump. 

Trump & Harris Distributions

Primary Directions

The primary directions in the case of Trump make sense when we check them using the Naibod direction key. Using the Naibod key and his angles as promissors, we can see that the directed ASC reaches his natal Uranus, at around April 2025. This may show that after losing the elections, Trump will try to "pull a hat trick" and act in some way or form, in order to overturn the result of the elections. The events of January 6th 2021 come to mind, although it will probably be different this time. 
This, I would say, is his biggest direction in the near future. It also hints at lack of other testimony to support his win in the presidential race. 

In Harris' primary directions, also using the Naibod key, we see something akin to a struggle, which is followed by some positive testimonies. 
In Mach-April 2025 Harris has Mars as promissor squaring Pluto as significator. Following that she has Jupiter as promissor opposing Venus as significator, and then she has Mercury as promissor opposing Saturn as significator. This may show that for Kamala too, the coming spring would prove to be difficult, but I don't think it precludes her from winning the election. This is probably the case as her directions become positive from August 2025 and till August 2027. I think that after some troubled times, any further attempt by Trump to overthrow the result would be unsuccessful.  

Trump & Harris Directions


From April 2024 and until September 2025, Trump is located in a Sun major period, Mercury sub-period, in his Firdaria sequence. The Sun fits his current ambition, to return to the white house, as it's the Sun and it rules his natal 1st house. Mercury though, may show that his rallies and television appearances are carefully choreographed, in the attempt to gain mass appeal. This is apparent as Mercury is in his natal 11th, and in that it squares both Jupiter and Neptune in his chart. The Mercury square to Neptune is also telling. Prior to this period being over, the count of the votes can be a major talking point in Trump's rhetoric. Plus, he would probably ask for a recount and possibly claim election fraud. This is in line with Mercury's role as a trickster (or a "stable genius" perhaps).  
From September 2025, Trump shifts to a Moon sub-period. His natal moon is in his 4th house of home, and this may show that he'll be going back to his home in Florida, by that time. 

In Harris' case, she's currently in a Mercury major period, and Moon sub-period. Mercury, as the ruler of her rising, is a good indication of a major time in her life (although Trump has a parallel testimony with his Sun in major period). The moon as a sub-period ruler, is interesting for a few reasons. It is in combative Aries and it's in the lucky 11th, although it's rather weak in essential dignity. This mostly shows that Harris would have to put up a fight, during the time of the election, and in the events which would follow. 
From July 2025, her Firdaria sub-period shifts to a Saturn sub-period. The Saturn, as we established in the distributions section, is a strong horoscope factor which may catapult her to the actual job of running the United States.  

Concluding the Firdaria section, we don't have a clear winner, but a sequence of dates and events is roughly established. Possibly, Harris has the edge. 

Trump & Harris Firdaria

Solar Returns

When we examine Trump's 2024 solar return chart by itself, the first thing which stands out is the applying opposition of ascendant ruler, the Moon, to Saturn. This happens while the Moon is approaching the IC, which points to Trump "going back home". I don't think that 'home' here refers to the White House, as the applying opposition to Saturn smells like something bad, and probably a loss. That same Saturn, is the ruler of the 7th of opponents, and is more strongly placed near the MC, which symbolizes assuming positions of power for Kamala.
Also, the Moon which stands for Trump, is in a cadent house and in hard aspects to many planets. 
Lastly, the ruler of the 10th is Jupiter and the Moon is configured in a separating square from it. The presidency as 'getting away'.   

When we examine Harris' 2024 solar return chart we see a brighter picture. Venus, a benefic, is conjunct the rising sign. The ruler of the rising, Jupiter, although retrograde and in detriment, is positioned in an angular house and the moon is applying to it by conjunction. The last part seems to give Harris the initiative. 
The Moon and the ruler of the rising, Jupiter, both aspect the MC degree by a dexter square. This gives the impression that the presidency is within reach.
Mercury, which signifies Harris' opponent, is peregrine and conjunct the unlucky 12th house cusp.   

In conclusion Harris' solar return chart looks better than Trump's solar return chart. 

Trump and Harris Solar Returns


The majority of traditional predictive techniques point out that Harris will probably win the elections. 
There seems to be an intermediary stage of sorts, in which votes would be recounted, or the result of the election would go to court (like in the 2000 elections), or something akin to January 6th 2021 would happen. Only after this would be settled, Harris would be able to concentrate on running the US, and not before. In terms of chronology, this may end up being during late spring 2025 or during the summer of 2025. 

Regardless of my humble conclusions, please go out and vote it you're a US citizen. 

Trump & Harris

Saturday 31 August 2024

Neptune in Aries, 2025-2039: Struggle for Unity

Neptune will ingress into the sign of Aries on the 30th of March 2025, and it would leave Aries on the 23d of March 2039. A sojourn of 14 years, overall. 
What can we expect from Neptune in Aries? This short article is written with the purpose of answering this question. 

After conducting a short historical research on the subject, it seems that the number one symbolism and archetype of Neptune in Aries is something I'd call the "Struggle for Unity". Please note the need to struggle, fight or wage war in order to achieve unity. In some cases failure would also be an option, though the struggle would still be there. 

The simplest example is the things which happened during the previous transit of Neptune in Aries. 
Most importantly, it was the time of the American Civil War, which began on April 12th 1861, while Neptune ingressed into aries on the following day (April 13th of the same year)! 
The war was waged for the following 4 years, while Neptune's transit through a sign takes 14 years. 

Why is it important, or demonstrative? 
The war was waged over the secession of the southern states from the union, and the primary aim of the United States government was to prevent secession and restore the union, a Neptunian goal. Fighting was necessary to a achieve that goal, hence the ingress of Neptune into the sign of Aries. 

During the civil war, there came to be something of a cult for generals. Commanders who would excel at the war effort, preserving the independence of the Confederate states, or saving the war effort on the side of the north. It seems that the public was looking for a savior, in a way, a Neptune figure. Only, at that time, the savior was a war hero. Figures which may fit the bill are General Robert E. Lee on the side of the South, and General Ulysses S. Grant, on the side of the north.   
This is all quite disparaging, as we come to terms with the fact that Neptune in Aries glorifies war, bloodshed and patriotism in its base form.   

Another note of interest is that just like with the coming Neptune Aries ingress in 2025, the last time Neptune was in Aries, Uranus was simultaneously in Gemini. This increases the chance of a somewhat similar symbolic outcome, at least on a few fronts. 
Uranus was in Gemini 1858-1866, and it would be in Gemini 2025-2033.   

The subject of Slavery is another apt topic for any Neptunian endeavor. This is probably the case as the American Civil War started due to differences, which stemmed from slavery related issues. The expansion of slavery into new states and the election of Abraham Lincoln, who seemed like a threat to southern economic interests and way of life. 

The connection to Neptune in Aries is simple. To fight in order to free the slaves, as part of the northern rhetoric, and the fight in order to preserve the southern way of life, on part of the Confederate states. 

The idea of slavery as something benign or family-like, is also Neptunian at its core. It was myth, which was propagated by southern politicians and publicists. A myth whose aim was to defend economic interests and power dynamics, in the southern states. 

Neptune, of course, was still in Aries long after the civil war was over, in 1865. This makes sense when we consider the processes which commenced after the war. Chiefly I refer to the Reconstruction Era, a twelve year period, in which the north tried to integrate back into the union, the southern states which tried to secede. As the process was deemed by some historians as lenient, forgiving and quite 'soft' on the south, we can treat it as Neptunian.

This is also tragic, in more than one way. The emancipation of black slaves resulted in economic conditions and social realities, which weren't much different than those which existed before the war. Notwithstanding the fact that slavery per se was now illegal. Paradoxical results, tragic events and unforeseen circumstances, are also under the purview of Neptune. 

If we take this symbolism Back to our own time, a light bulb may appear above our heads. 
As the split amongst the population in America keeps widening along political lines, and the possibility that Trump will get back to office, after the coming 2024 elections. Also, with the amount of guns prevelant in American households. May this all hint at another civil war, just beyond the horizon? It's hard to say for sure, although events like the Storming of the Capitol (January 6th), and Trump saying that 'it would be the last election if he's chosen', may provide clues. 

Where I'm based, in Israel, something rather similar is happening. The population here is also starkly divided along political lines. One camp is in favor of the current prime minister, Netanyahu, who is a right wing conservative. Another camp protests against Netanyahu, practically all of the time, but thus far their successes in removing him were temporary, at best. 
The continuation of Netanyahu's term in office, bears a direct influence on the peace process, and the chance of establishing a Palestinian state. With the side which is in favor of removing him, advocates diplomacy and the two state solution, while Netanyahu and his supporters are against it.   
So, may all of this lead to a civil war in Israel as well? It remains to be seen.     

Another problem which is ongoing in the Holy Land is the problem of secularism vs the encroachment of religion. As the population here becomes more religious and orthodox, due to higher reproductive rates amongst ultra-orthodox families, secular people in society consider a split or a canton system (just like in Switzerland). This would allow them local autonomy to practice their secular way of life, without the conversion attempts of their religious compatriots, plus sending their children to non-religious schools, and the like. 
May such a scenario come to be? Just like the split of the biblical kingdom of Israel, into Judah and Israel. A process which may spur inner conflict and a yearning for national unity. We'll find out, in the coming decade. 


All the while, as the Civil War was waged in America, Europe also experienced some Neptune in Aries historical developments. The first of those wasn't concretely in Europe itself, rather it was a process which happened in Africa, and was conducted by European powers. I'm talking about Colonialism, of course. 

Neptune was previously in Aries in 1861 till 1875. It was just before the height of European colonialism, as European nations carved bigger and bigger slices from the black continent. 
The entire phenomenon of colonialism has strong Neptunian qualities as well. The idea that Africans needed to be saved, to be cultured and to be more like Europeans is Neptunian at heart. At the time Europeans alluded to it as 'saving Africans', and it was true in two ways. To save their souls by converting them to Christianity, and to save them from their own backwardness and savagery.
Needless to say that all this was uncalled for. It was a myth, propagated by European power brokers. A myth which helped justify the economic exploitation of Africa. The proverbial Neptune issue of illusion and deceit. Possibly, self deceit as well.  

Strangely enough, a similar trend exists nowadays. China is entangling African and some Latin American nations in big infrastructure loans. While the loans seem benign, from the outside, often the nations which commit to them can't repay those huge sums. Thus, they become enslaved to Chinese interests, and are left with no choice but to concede strategic assets, which are repossessed by the People's Republic of China.  
France also enacts a form of neo-colonialism, in its former colonial possessions in north and west Africa. Contemporarily, control and exploitation is rather economic, than military.  
Neptune's incoming ingress into the sign of Aries may exacerbate these processes and bring them to a finale of sorts. More wars perhaps? A national struggle to remove the foreign yoke, maybe? 


Another historical trend which was concurrent during the previous Neptune in Aries period, was the Unification of Germany and Italy. Let's start with Italy's unification, which was proclaimed in March 1861, one month before the ingress of Neptune into Aries. We need to clarify that the unification was a lengthy process, which continued up to 1870, when Rome was taken from the Papal States. Throughout this time, Neptune was in Aries. 
The unification itself is an obviously apt symbolism for Neptune's transit in a cardinal fire sign. The war which was waged in order to unify the different states, duchies and principalities.

A similar process happened in Germany, and at about the same time. Otto Von Bismarck came to power in 1862. A military alliance which unified many German states was signed in 1866, prior to the Austro-Prussian War. This is very fitting to Neptune in Aries, as a military treaty eventually lead to the unification of the nation. Later, in 1871, while Neptune was still in Aries, the German Empire was officially proclaimed, after the Germans won the Franco-Prussian War. Another symbolic amalgam between the archetype of Neptune in one of the signs of Mars. 

Back to present time, we have Putin who laments the dissolution of the Soviet Union as the biggest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century. It seems that Putin's goal is to lead Russia back into its glory days, when Moscow controlled an extended swath of territory beyond the Russian mainland. With the war in Ukraine ongoing, and the occasional news of Putin eyeing more states to devour, Neptune in Aries may demonstrate the Russian desire to engorge what was previously their own. Russia as the successor to the Soviet Union.  

Another geopolitical concern is the rising tensions between the US and China. A possible turning point would be a Chinese invasion to the island nation of Taiwan. A nation which the Communist Chinese see as a breakaway province. So we have another Neptunian motive at the base of a possible future war. 
Many astrologers note that whilst Uranus was in Gemini, the US was always involved in one war or another. Uranus would ingress into Gemini in July 2025, a few months after Neptune's ingress into Aries. This makes the China-US war scenario more likely, although we can't know for sure at this point in time. 

When we consider the Neptune in Aries impulse for nation forming, it's not beyond belief that nations like Palestine can be formed and recognized, in the coming decade or two. Already, many countries are recognizing Palestine as a nation state.
Perhaps, the Palestinian Authority (PA) which is headed by the Fattah party in the West Bank, and Hamas which controls the Gaza strip, would also be united under this Neptune in Aries influence. Whether they would be united under the secular PA, or by fundamentalist Hamas, it remains to be seen. Though the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune on the 20th of Feb 2026, in Aries, may give Hamas an edge. Saturn representing government and Neptune representing religion. A religious government, perhaps.  
Other separatist groups, backed by national claims, can also find themselves in the center of hotspots. Possibly the Kurds, in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Maybe Tamils in Sri Lanka. In Europe we have voices for Scottish, Catalan and Basque independence. Maybe even Tibetans in China and India. A movement to cancel Brexit and reintegrate the UK, into the EU? Who knows.    


In conclusion, peaceful Neptune in one of Mars' domiciles, seems like a less than savory combination. With the post Covid, Neptune in Pisces world, things seem to be going somewhat downhill. 
Our small conciliation is that astrology is not an exact science, and that it has the tendency to surprise and bewilder its users. Let's hope that the upcoming surprises would be for the best. 

It's a bit of a paradox that Neptune in Aries prompts both a dream of gaining independence, and a desire to achieve unity. Both by way of struggle and war, mind you. This movement and counter-movement create a deadly collision course, which often leads to armed conflict.
Over idealism, can indeed be detrimental.  


Picture below in clockwise motion, from top left: General Robert E. Lee (American civil war), Rudyard Kipling (Colonialism), Giuseppe Garibaldi (Unification of Italy) and Otto Von Bismarck (Unification of Germany). 

Neptune in Aries leaders, 19th cent


I've decided to add some Additional content, after engaging in discussion over forums and groups online, about Neptune in Aries. Some interesting ideas were raised in these discussions. So, here goes.

Also, Neptune in Aries could bring an influx of new beliefs, denominations, sects, spiritual teachers, superstitions and maybe even religions. These type of things may become mighty popular from 2025 and going forward.  

Forum user rusosovietico, from the Astro-Seek forum, added an interesting comment about the coming Neptune in Aries ingress.
According to his words, Neptune in Aries activates people´s desire to form, achieve or gain a national or group identity. That is, the ideal (Neptune) is channeled through the Aries archetype, which leads to a struggle for self determination.
This is an interesting alternate explanation to the "struggle for unity" hypothesis, which is presented in the present article. 

It also has to be said that a short while after Neptune would enter Aries, Saturn would complete a conjunction with it in the 1st degree of that sign. This would happen on the 20th of February 2026, and the outcomes may be quite interesting. this is the case because its a conjunction between heavy and influential planets, in the 1st degree of the Zodiac. 

The Saturn Neptune conjunction can symbolize 'a restart', or desire for 'a restart', in terms of many institutions and world realities. Many people are unsatisfied and would like to start things from scratch, or retire old systems and institutions, in favor of new ones. This is inherent in the symbolism, as Neptune may create despair and disappointment with current realities (Saturn).
Let me cite a few examples. Democracy as a system of government, the capitalist system and neoliberalism, which lead to ever growing wealth inequality in today's world. Also, institutions like NATO and the UN seem to be on way to be reformed or replaced.
Probably the Pisces to Aries shift is also a move from globalism to isolationism, not just with Brexit and Trump's possible return to office, but in general.
Maybe real estate prices would crumble, or take a hit, with the influence from Neptune onto Saturn.
Just like subprime mortgages lead to the 2008 Financial Crisis in the US, we may be on the edge of another depression.
It's interesting that Saturn can signify walls and Neptune, the oceans. Like in the Netherlands, probably countries would have to invest in sea walls, due to global warming and the rise of sea levels. Needless to say that the conjunction is happening in a fire sign, hence global warming.
And probably this Saturn-Neptune combination would lead to increased anti-immigrant sentiment. As Neptune may signify the helplessness of refugees, immigrants and those escaping from less well to do locations on the globe. Contrasted with Saturn in Aries, which may signify the conservative streak of many governments, and them adopting various means to block or deport migrants. Even if it's done by force.


Chart for the first incoming ingress of Neptune in Aries, for the location of Washington DC, on the 30th of March 2025. 

Aries ingress of Neptune, 2025

Friday 28 October 2022

Planet-Sign Affinity According to Temperament and Essential Dignity

Lately, I have been considering some models of planetary temperament and affinity between a planet’s innate temperament to sign placement, according to element.

Whenever we're talking about 'planets in signs', essential dignity must be considered. Essential dignity is a system wherein we take in account a planet's placement in a certain sign, or region within a sign. This is done in order to determine how advantageous, or disadvantageous, the position is for that planet. In this short article, only the three primary forms of essential dignities will be explored (domicile, exaltation and triplicity) as they stretch all the way through a sign, from beginning to end.

The gist of the article is a table with all the possible placements of 'planet to sign interaction'. The table was created in order to check which combinations are more and which are less beneficial for the individual planets, when we take in account both temperament and essential dignity considerations. 

*See the table below, and click on it for an enlarged version*

For the purposes of this article I’ve used the most popular and widespread scheme of planetary temperament, as shown here:

Mars & Sun – Hot + Dry
Moon & Venus – Cold +Wet
Mercury & Saturn – Cold + Dry
Jupiter – Hot + Wet

Fire - Hot + Dry
Water - Cold + Wet
Earth - Cold + Dry
Air - Hot + Wet

Some Examples:
Mars is a hot and dry planet, so whenever Mars is in a fire sign there’s affinity between Mars’ temperament and him being in Aries/Leo/Sag. Thus, Mars is ‘boosted’ and can act more naturally and organically, you can say. I consider it as a form of accidental dignity.
The contrary is also true. Since Mars is hot and dry and water signs are cold and wet, Mars would feel hampered in Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces. I would consider it as a form of accidental debility.
This model gets more interesting when you combine it with essential dignity, and especially domicile, exaltation and triplicity rulerships (the ones which go through the entire sign). All manner of interaction ensues, in such a way.
For example, Mars in Scorpio is both in domicile and in triplicity dignities, but mars would be accidentally weak according to the temperament condition. So you get a mixed bag of sorts.

With other planets, like Mercury for example, you get a strong boost via both essential dignity and temperament. Say Mercury in Virgo (Mercury being cold and dry, in a cold and dry sign, and in domicile plus exaltation).
Or strong debility according to both conditions, like in the case of Jupiter in Capricorn (Jupiter being hot and wet, in a cold and dry sign, plus the fall condition in Capricorn).

* Click on the Table for an enlarged view*

Note that 'temperament offset' refers to cases in which the planet is strong in a sign, by essential dignity, but the temperament condition detracts from that strength. On the other hand the 'temperament boost' condition refers to cases in which the planet is weak in a sign, by essential dignity, but the temperament condition somewhat ameliorates that ordeal.

One interesting conclusion which is derived from the table is in the middle columns of “average signs”, that is, cases in which we have a combo of essential dignity and temperament which go in different directions. Or maybe the signs in which a planet is ‘doubly harmed’, both by essential debility and temperament incompatibility. That is, in the left columns of “bad for planet”.

Another interesting conclusion is the disparity which emerges concerning apparent lack of compatibility between the cold and dry planets (Mercury and Saturn) to the signs of their triplicity (Air, which is hot and wet).
That is, the fact that Mercury and Saturn both suffer (temperament wise) in the air element, but in the triplicity model they excel in air. Also in terms of the domicile and exaltation placements of Saturn and Mercury, there's a disparity along the same lines.
This is certainly 'food for thought'. A possible solution is that despite the emphasis we have in the air element on logic, thinking, rationality and wit, we have a marked drawback as well. The fact that those cold and dry planets are thrown into an arena, in which they have to be social, cordial, fun, upbeat and other none cold and dry qualities of expression.
This may account for some of the disparities in terms of Saturn affiliated Aquarius and Libra, and Mercury affiliated Gemini, being both *sociable* but simultaneously *rules-centered, and sticklers for doing things properly*.


Concerning the topic of Sect, I've received some suggestions to incorporate it into the model. That seems impossible to me as the Sect condition would 'stack' on top of the other conditions. Let's examine Mars in Scorpio in a night chart vs. Mars in Scorpio in a day chart. That same Mars in a night chart would be the stronger mars, as it's in sect, but that wouldn't change the fact Mars in Scorpio is strong by essential dignity (domicile and triplicity) but weak according to the condition of temperament, in both cases. Sect is another important factor, no doubt, but it just 'stacks' on top of the other conditions.

Another point which needs addressing is the fact that in the triplicity model of essential dignity, Saturn and Mars are associated with Fire and Water respectively, due to a balancing factor. That Saturn would be too dry and restrictive in Earth and Mars would be too hot and volatile in Fire. Probably, this would often be the case in natal charts, where we'd like to balance our Saturn or our Mars. Despite those facts, not all charts are natal charts, and we may also consider horary, electional, mundane and other branches of astrology. Implications within each of these may be slightly different, although triplicity scoring remains the same.
Example: if in horary two people ask about a winning horse, and the horse is signified by Mars in Sagittarius in one chart and Mars in Pisces in the other. Here the temperament model may do us more good than the triplicity model. The hot and dry horse being more of a 'winning material' than the 'cold and wet' horse, not regarding the triplicity advantage of Mars in Pisces.


(*) I use the Hellenistic model of triplicity scoring; +3 to all three planets.
(*) Mercury's intrinsic temperament is somewhat disputed, though authors such as Al-Biruni, Lilly and Culpeper consider it to be cold and dry.  
(*) A 'thank you' is owed to Charles Obert, who was first to make me aware of these interesting interactions, through his book Using Dignity in Astrology.
(*) Also, I want to express my gratitude to members of the Traditional Astrologers FB group, which helped me hone my ideas on this tricky topic. Here's the thread.


Tuesday 1 March 2022

Russian Invasion of Ukraine - An Astrological Perspective

In the early morning hours of the 24th of February 2022, Vladimir Putin has ordered an
invasion of Ukraine. This short article is aimed at dissecting the astrology behind this major geopolitical event. The main focus is on the event chart of the Russian invasion, set for 5:00 AM, Kiev time.

It has been jokingly commented online, at the beginning of the war, that “the Kremlin has damn good astrologers”. The invasion chart seemed to act like a decent election which favors the Russian side. In the invasion chart, shown below, we can see that Russia is represented by the rising sign, as it has initiated the war. Additionally, the 10th house is the house of victory for Russia. The opposite is also true as the DSC represents Ukraine, and the 4th house is the house of Ukraine’s victory. Some astrologers also associate the Sun with the favorite (Russia) and the Moon with the underdog (Ukraine). Moreover, we’ll trace the aspects the main significators make in order to try and understand the flow of events.

In the chart below we can see how Saturn, which is the ascendant ruler, is essentially and accidentally dignified. Saturn is in domicile, triplicity, in an angular house and oriental. This shows that Russia is in a position of strength, both in terms of its forces and in terms of taking advantage of circumstances. A small point of consideration is that Saturn is making a partile contra-antiscia aspect to Uranus, this may show that the overtaking of Ukraine won’t go as smoothly, and surprises are in store for Putin. If we also consider the Sun as the co-significator of the Russians, its conjunction to Jupiter with reception is probably an auspicious sign. Jupiter rules the 2nd house of revenue but also the 12th house of hidden enemies.   

Simultaneously, we see that the ruler of the 7th house is the Moon, which represents Ukraine. It is strong accidentally as it’s in a good house and in sect but weak essentially as it is peregrine. Additionally, the Moon is the most elevated planet which also rises first in the chart, which gives it initiative. It’s also conjunct the fixed star Antares, which symbolizes wars, honors, obstinance, ruin and endings (a mixed bag of sorts). Also, we can see that the Moon is in an antiscia aspect to Mars, which represents conflict and increases the viral power of Ukraine. Moreover, the Moon is decreasing in light, which may be a sign of slowly wearing out. It's interesting to note that if we would have used whole sign houses, then the Moon would have been cadent and weak, but we're using Regiomontanus. Concerning the nodes, we may point out the fact that the lucky north node is in the 4th house of Kiev’s victory. However, we must also allude to the fact that it’s tightly conjunct Algol, which is described by one source as “piles of corpses”, so in a way it’s a blessing with a course. A very costly victory maybe, lots of deaths and destruction. 

Examining the turned chart, from Ukraine’s perspective, it’s interesting to note that Ukraine’s 2nd and 11th houses are ruled by the same planet. This of course, shows that Ukraine is being supplied by many countries which are sympathetic to its cause. 

If we would calculate lots, which may be connected to times of war, a few extra details would be revealed. The part of victory is at 26 degrees of Leo, and despite it being located in the turned 1st house, its ruler is the Sun which may be tied to Russia. The part of Success is at 21 degrees of Aquarius, conjuncting the main significator of Russia, and this may hint at Russia's chance of victory (or partial victory). Lastly, the part of glory is at 13 Cancer near the DSC, which may show that the Ukrainians will valiantly defend their country, despite the overwhelming odds. In summary, the parts show a hodgepodge of testimonies. Seems rather equal. 

The overall picture which emerges is probably a slight advantage in favor of the Russian side. There are some major indications which show that Putin's efforts will experience major stumbling blocks.
Overall though, the chart shows that the Russian side still holds some key advantages. Despite suffering major setbacks, it's probable that Putin will achieve at least some of his goals. Maybe the takeover of Donetsk and Luhansk provinces in the Eastern parts of Ukraine, but not before much blood will be shed and mass destruction will ensue.

In term of the unfolding events, the motion of the Moon is our guide here, since the Moon is the general indicator of timing. The Moon’s most recent aspect was a square to the Sun, and if we take Putin as the Sun figure in this course of events then his fiery and vindictive speech just before the invasion was a good fit.

The next Moon aspect is a sextile aspect to Mercury, in two or three time-units (probably months). This shows that the Ukrainian side was still trying, in the first months of the war, to reach a diplomatic solution through talks which were ongoing in Belarus, and through Turkey.

The next Moon aspect is a square aspect to Jupiter, which would be completed in five time-units (again, probably months). This leads us to July 2022. Since Jupiter is the ruler of the 12th house in the chart, this may show that casualties and destruction would increase in a logarithmic scale for both parties till this point in time, with the summer being especially unfortunate.

Lastly, the Moon would aspect the significator of the Russian side, Saturn, by a friendly aspect of a sextile. This would happen in about ten or eleven time-units, and this is important as it shows that Ukraine will probably sign a ceasefire agreement or some other treaty with Russia in about ten or eleven months. That would happen, sometime during the beginning of 2023, around January or February. 

Let's hope this is indeed the case, for the only other possible way to judge the invasion chart is for the time units which separate the Moon and Saturn are years instead of months. Judging the chart in such a manner produces the unsavory result that a decade or 11 years would pass until this conflict would be resolved.  

All of the above becomes more conspicuous when we examine the national charts of Ukraine and Russia at this moment. By transit both experience their Saturn return, and this makes perfect sense as the post Soviet world is redefining itself, albeit sadly through the aggressive actions of the Russian president. As it is widely recognized, Putin considers the fall of the Soviet Union as the biggest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century. Thus, his view and aim is 'integrating rogue post-soviet republics, such as Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, into the Russian sphere of influence'. As in both Ukraine's and Russia's charts Saturn is positioned in Aquarius, we would probably have to wait till it would ingress into Pisces for the full scale of current events to become clearer. This will happen at the beginning of March 2023. This may also mean that a more complete ending of hostilities will only happen around the first to second quarters of 2023.

In the meantime, we have to note that in the Russian national chart, the 6th house of 'service to your country' is heavily emphasized with both malefics inhabiting it. Russia at the moment feels like a conscripted and militarized society with censorship, rallies, propaganda and a very real danger presented to its servicemen. This brings us to the second point, which is an additional emphasis on its 8th house. As it's reported daily, the Russian army suffers great losses, both in terms of men and in terms of equipment. Mars' recent conjunction to Russia's natal Saturn shows this in a clear manner. Please note that Mars rules the 9th house of foreign countries (their military equipment) while Saturn rules the 6th of Russia's armed forces.

Through Ukraine's national chart we can find some additional testimony to possible outcomes which are shown by the invasion chart. The strongest evidence shown by transits is that both Mars and Saturn are creating a conjunction to Ukraine's Moon, which of course symbolizes the home and the people of the country. Saturn's rays would cease to hurt Ukraine's Moon, at the 22nd degree of Aquarius, only at the beginning of 2023. This of course is a bad sign, which may show that the war would continue in one sense or another till January or February of 2023. Even after Mars will leave Aquarius, in the middle of April 2022, he would still need some time to separate from the opposition it would make to Ukraine's Sun and later to its Mars. Thus Mars would be in the clear only around the end of April to the middle of May, which is probably the time Ukraine would see some major victories of her own (Update: the Russians retreated from Kiev).

With mars out of the picture, Saturn stationing retrograde, and Jupiter leaving Pisces and Russia's 8th house, the most concerning part of the war would probably be over for Ukraine around May 2022. Another round of hard fighting may be at hand, a bit later though. From November 2022 to January 2023, as Jupiter would retrograde back to oppose Ukraine's Mars, Saturn would again conjunct Ukraine's Moon, and Mars would station retrograde to square Ukraine's natal Mars. This would probably be the last phase of the war, as the invasion charts hints at an end before its 1-year mark. 

My hopes and wishes are with the people of Ukraine. Let us pray for a quick and less bloody solution to this awful geopolitical situation, if at all possible.

Disclaimer: mundane astrology is not my specialty, but despite this fact I’ve tried my best to employ the tools at my disposal and stay objective all the while. My methodology for the first part of this article was to borrow rules and concepts from sports and contest horary astrology, and apply them to mundane material.

This article was updated, for the second time, on the 29th of October 2022 

Saturday 25 December 2021

Dexter Aspects vs Dominating Planets - A Proposed Solution

This article is an attempted solution to the long-lasting dilemma over the following question: which planet is stronger, dominant or in control? The one which casts a dexter aspect or the one which is in the dominant position? The attempted solution will use the concept of slow and heavy planets exerting influence over light and fast planets.

First though, here’s an introduction to the subject and the terms:
A dexter aspect is when a faster planet hurls its rays to a slower one in the direction of diurnal motion of the planets (against the order of the signs). For example, the Moon in Aries by square aspect to Saturn in Capricorn. Such an aspect is considered to be direct, forceful and powerful. Moreso than the opposite, which is called a sinister aspect. This means that the Moon would exert its influence upon Saturn in the example just given.

Sinister aspects refer to a faster planet hurling its rays to a slower planet, against the direction of diurnal motion of the planets (in the order of the signs). Sinister aspects are considered to be weak, distorted, unnatural, and maybe even sneaky. An example of a sinister aspect would be the Moon in Aries casting a square to Mercury in Cancer.

On the topic of dexter and sinister aspects, we could draw a vital parallel. One reason that dexter aspects are considered stronger than sinister aspects, is that dexter aspect are akin to the waxing stage of any two planets which behold each other. Just like the first quarter moon, on its way to become a full moon. This stage represents ‘increase’ and thus strength. The opposite is the sinister aspect which is akin to the waning stage of any aspect, or to the last quarter moon. During the last quarter Moon, the Moon is on its way to disappear and start a new cycle. This ‘decrease’ represents weakness.

The other notion is that of the dominant or overcoming planet, which would be the one placed first, in the direction of diurnal motion of the planets (against the order of the signs). This planet is the dominant partner in the aspect, so to speak. The logic is that the planet which rises first, leads or is in charge in some way. In the example above Saturn in Capricorn would dominate the Moon in Aries, or the Moon in Aries would dominate Mercury in Cancer.

One intuitive way to explain the effect of the dominant or overcoming planet is the following parallel, which employs the square aspect. If a planet which is dominated is metaphorically placed in the 1st house, then the planet which dominates it will be placed in the 10th house. The tenth is the proverbial place of authority, rulership and power in an astrological chart. This relationship shows the dependency of an individual person (the 1st) on the authorities, state, kingdom or country (the 10th).

It’s also important to consider that slower and heavier planets, according to traditional astrology, exert influence over lighter and faster planets. This is another reason why in the first example above Saturn should exert its influence over the Moon. This, by the way, would still be the case if the Moon was in the dominant position over Saturn, in the direction of diurnal motion.

Here’s a diagram, made by the amazing Deborah Houlding, from
Deborah’s diagram illustrates all of the terms which have been discussed, and I’ve added to it some planetary speed annotations:

On the surface of things, it seems that the above two notions are contradictory. When we consider dexter aspects, the faster and lighter planet casts the stronger-dexter ray to the slower and heavier planet. Moreover, the slower and heavier planet is located in the dominant or overcoming position. This appears to be a contradiction. Either they neutralize each other, or something here is amiss. In the first example above, the Moon casts the stronger dexter ray, while Saturn is in the dominant position. Please note that Saturn is the slower and heavier planet, which is in accord with this scenario.

This remains a problem with the sinister aspect as well. In which, the faster and lighter planet casts its weaker and sinister ray, from the dominant position to the slower and heavier planet. Another apparent contradiction. Why should the light and fast planet in the dominant position cast a weaker ray to its planetary superior, which is heavier and slower? In the example above the Moon casts the weak sinister ray, while being in the dominant position over Mercury. Please note that Mercury is the slower and heavier planet, which should give it the advantage.


All the above leads me to my proposed solution:
As we’ve established, the dexter aspect will always be formed when a faster-lighter planet applies to a heavier planet, in the direction of diurnal motion. This means that when a dexter aspect is formed, the heavier-slower planet would always be placed in the dominant-overcoming position. This shows a state of affairs under which the minor partner in the relationship (the lighter planet) is appealing directly, with a head held high and “through the proper channels” to the senior partner (the heavier planet). The relationship roles, in such a case, are simple and straightforward. The minor partner appeals directly, if it wants or needs something, to the senior partner. It’s important to stress that a faster planet which creates a dexter aspect would always be overcome-by, or dominated-by, the slower planet.

The sinister aspect, on the other hand, will always be formed when a faster-lighter planet would apply by an aspect to a heavier planet, against the direction of diurnal motion. In such a scenario the natural order is, in a way, reversed. The lighter-faster planet, which is the minor partner, is in the dominant-overcoming position, relative to the heavier-slower planet, which is the senior partner. In such a scenario a sinister aspect would make sense, since the lighter-faster planet can’t appeal or ask the heavier-slower planet directly and “through the proper channels”. Thus, the lighter planet’s appeal or request is deemed to be weaker, indirect, unnatural, or even sneaky and using subterfuge. The lighter planet still wants to receive help, or assistance, but he’s aware of its precarious position. That is, its unnatural location in the dominant-overcoming end of an aspect. Notice that a faster planet, which creates a sinister aspect, would always be in the dominant or overcoming position relative to the slower and heavier planet.

Thus, it seems that there’s no contradiction, and the question of which term is more descriptive of reality is obsolete. From the suggested solution we’re able to see that the two conditions are complimentary, rather than in conflict. Each of the conditions just describes things from a different point of view.

It’s worthwhile to note that traditional authorities seemed to have applied the notions of dexter, sinister and dominating or overcoming to only three aspect types: the square, the trine and the sextile. When we apply the above notions to conjunctions and oppositions, a peculiar logic arises. The faster planet would apply by a sinister conjunction (not a ray this time) to the slower planet, from the dominant position. While with the opposition, the faster planet would apply by a dexter ray to the slower planet in the dominant position. Unlike the square, trine or sextile though, the relationship dynamic here is ephemeral. Both in the conjunction and the opposition, once the aspect is perfected the planetary roles switch from dominant to dominated, as their location relative to diurnal motion is switched. In a way, this may be illustrative of the nature of those aspects, as the opposition is sometimes considered as unstable or fragile. The conjunction on the other hand has a melding effect, and a clear relationship of dominant and dominated isn’t easily established. I would suggest to keep applying these principles to squares, trines and sextiles, for simplicities sake.

If you’d like to learn more about the subject and be exposed to additional points of view, feel free to follow the following links:

Anthony Louis tried to reconcile the two notions, in an insightful article of his, and came to a different conclusion than my own. His conclusion seems to prioritize the planet which casts the dexter ray over the planet which is in the dominant position. The prior planet sets the tone, while the latter planet is in charge of execution. Please see his attempt at reconciliation towards the end of his article:

Deborah Houlding’s masterful introduction article on aspect doctrine, including explanations for many of the terms discussed in this article:

If you’ll google the terms Dexter and Sinister, there are a couple of forum threads and facebook group discussions on the topic at hand. Feel free to gorge your eyes there, for extra information and additional points of view.
Here’s one such forum thread:

Sunday 10 October 2021

Neptune as a Benefic

In pages 308-9 of Chris Brennan's Hellenistic Astrology, the chapter on aspects, there's a discussion on domicile assignments of planets. The main point is that by drawing the zodiac wheel, combined with planetary sign rulers, an interesting conclusion emerges. In such a scheme we would be able to see that aspects drawn from the luminaries to adjacent signs would create a symmetrical and harmonic arrangement. 

The following observations would be made plain: 
Both Sun and Moon would cast a sextile to Venus ruled signs, a square to Mars ruled signs, a trine to Jupiter ruled signs, and an opposition to Saturn ruled signs. Each of the luminaries would cast those rays in its appropriate side of the zodiac, as if the wheel was subdivided through the luminaries and Saturn ruled Aquarius and Capricorn. 

The idea is that the Venus, the small benefic is equivalent to the minor harmonious aspect of a sextile. Jupiter, the great benefic, is equivalent to the major harmonious aspect of a trine. On the other side of the spectrum we have the small malefic, Mars, who is equivalent to the minor disharmonious aspect of a square. Lastly we have the great malefic, Saturn, who is equivalent to the major disharmonious aspect of an opposition.

Here's the scheme, in my own rendition using Solar Fire:   

So far so good.
Now, I've had an interesting idea recently, while teaching an astrology class. 
I've asked myself 'what would happen if we'd switch to modern rulerships'? As a thought experiment. I've did just that, as you can see in the following scheme:

As expected some interesting conclusions have emerged.

[1.] First of all, we can observe that Pluto has taken up Mars' spot in being square the Sun. Since the square is often considered to be an aspect of inner tension, and Pluto in its meaning has many psychological and subconscious overtones, this actually makes much sense. 

[2.] Second of all, Uranus has taken Saturn's spot, being in opposition to the Sun. This also makes a lot of sense, since the opposition has the quality of characterizing relationships (especially difficult ones), and Uranus with its symbolism of protest, rebellion and individualism tells the story. 

[3.] Most interesting of all, Neptune has taken Jupiter's place in Pisces, drawing a trine aspect from the Moon. This is potentially remarkable cause it may hint that Neptune acts like a benefic in this traditional aspect-ruler scheme. Additionally, compared to the socially active sextile, the trine has more to do with our inner abilities, talents and gifts. Since Neptune is highly creative, subjective and intuitive in many of its meanings, this also makes sense. The trine is also said to have the qualities of laziness, idleness and lack of self awareness. Interestingly, those qualities are a good fit for the Neptune archetype, or parts of it.   

Additional arguments for Neptune being a benefic are more familiar, but I'll repeat those anyway: 

[A.] Neptune is widely considered to be the higher octave of Venus, which is itself a benefic. 

[B.] Out of Neptune's many archetypes, a substantial amount is arguably positive. For example art, beauty, spirituality, compassion, wholeness, connectedness, intuition and some others. 

[C.] I would also think that there's no debate concerning which of the outer planets is the best candidate for being a benefic. Uranus and Pluto are out of the question in the minds of most astrologers, as their negative manifestations are unforgiving. No doubt, Neptune has many pitfalls of its own but relative to his outer planet counterparts he seems like the best candidate. On the same topic, a simple google search of the words "Neptune" and "benefic" yields many results which question Neptune's essential nature, and usually ascribing it with the qualified title of a possible benefic. 

As far as impersonal outer planets go, Neptune seems to be the safest pick, although we don't have the luxury of knowing for sure. At least till the time a new modern astrological model would emerge, which would be coherent and would rival the traditional model. This is no mean feat, since the traditional model is steeped in symmetry, balance and consistency.

I'll end with a contradictory quote by Liz Greene, taken from her 1996 Neptune book: 

"In astrological texts Neptune is rarely presented as wholly benefic; deception, illusion, and addiction are usually mentioned, as are the themes of karmic obligation and renunciation"


Friday 6 November 2020

The Astrology of Plagues in the Shadow of the Coronavirus Outbreak

Time will tell if the 2020 coronavirus (COVID-19) will enter the pages of history as one of the worst pandemics on record. A pandemic which wrecked entire economies and changed the trajectory of nations. At the moment of writing (April 2020) this seems to be the case but like many other historical events true understanding only comes with hindsight.

Let's assume for a moment that the Mars-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius is a pivotal moment in the occurrence of the current coronavirus outbreak. If this is true we should note the position of the heavenly bodies on the 31st of March 2020, the date of the exact conjunction. These included: the latter conjunction between the two malefics, Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, the nodes in the Capricorn-Cancer axis, Chiron in Aries, Uranus in Taurus, and a time frame which is less than a year short of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. This dry list of planetary placements would prove vital for this short article, since the primary objective is to try and understand which combination of astrological influences is capable of producing a large scale, and at times global, pandemic.

As far as plagues are concerned in world history, the largest and most deadly in the history of the west were the 14th century outbreak of bubonic plague in Europe, the Spanish flu which burst into the scene towards the end of the First World War, and the Plague of Justinian which erupted in the Byzantine Empire during the 6th century CE. The 14th century bubonic plague took the lives of between a quarter to half of the population, the Spanish flu reduced the world's population by a figure of between 20 million to 50 million men, and the Plague of Justinian inflicted a similar death toll to the 14th century bubonic plague in the eastern part of the Mediterranean basin[1]. An astrological and historical review will help us understand whether a unique astrological signature exists for such outbreaks of mass death caused by tiny microorganisms.

The Astrology of the Black Death in Europe

The 14th century outbreak of bubonic plague in Europe is more widely known as the Black Death. That particular outbreak started its way in central Asia in the fourth decade of the 14th century, from which it spread to the Crimean peninsula in 1346, and then to Italy in 1347, from which it spread to the rest of Europe. According to one estimate, the first wave of plague caused the death of no less than half of the continent's population as it gradually advanced inside mainland Europe between the years 1347 to 1352. The Black Death was carried by rat fleas and its fastest spread routes were commercial shipping lanes[2]. The Black Death outbreak in the 14th century is easily one of the most terrible pandemics humanity has ever witnessed.

Already during the days of the Black Death notable contemporary astrologers found blame with particular planetary patterns, which aren't so different from the ones we're witnessing today with coronavirus. The Paris medical faculty issued an official report which hanged the blame for the plague's creation on the triple conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, which happened in Aquarius during the month of March in the year 1345[3]. This is not very different than what we've recently experienced with the near conjunction of these three planets in another Saturn domicile, in Capricorn during February to March 2020. A further look into the 1345 placements reveals another important similarity to the contemporary coronavirus placements. In both cases the asteroid Chiron was placed in Aries, and it shouldn't escape us that the simple symbolism of such a combination is "new diseases". Additional comparison shows that just like today the nodal axis in 1345 was transiting a cardinal modality, then it was in the Libra-Aries axis. Moreover the troublesome south node was positioned in the same sign such as Pluto. Please note that 1345 is approximately two years before the Black Death has reached the shores of Europe, but according to the Paris medical faculty it was necessary to look back in order to trace the origin of the disease. From a historical viewpoint this of course makes sense, since the plague began its course in central Asia before it advanced westward into Europe. Concerning some of the period's later planetary positions, 1347 was the year in which Jupiter perfected a conjunction to Pluto. A major symbolism in a context such as this is "death on a mass scale", and of course we have a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in our time as well. Lastly, I may throw into the mix a less obvious but a persistently recurring pattern of Mars retrograde in Leo, which occurred during the time of December 1347, a short time before the plague continued its spread from Italy to the rest of Europe. This may be an opportune time to mention that in Greek myth Apollo, the Sun god, was also associated with the outbreak of diseases, while the Sun of course is the planetary ruler of the sign Leo.
The Black Death in Florence, 1348


The Astrology of the Spanish Flu

The Spanish flu is probably the first global pandemic, it raged between the years 1918 to 1920, following the tragedy of the First World War. According to estimates, about one quarter of the world's population back then contracted the flu, and the mortality rate has reached a figure of 5%, that is one out of twenty cases. Unlike many other diseases in the history of medicine which tended to kill off the very young and the elderly, the Spanish flu proved most fatal to people who were in the prime of their years, ages 20-40. Additionally it's important to point out that while the first and less fatal wave of the flu hit in the spring of 1918, the second more potent wave hit in the summer of 1918, bringing with it an influx in the fatality rate. The sudden transformation in severity was possibly due to a mutation in this particular variant of influenza virus, and the name Spanish flu originated due to contemporaneous publication which wrongly pointed to Spain as especially infected[4].

From the point of view of Astrology, we can find similar patterns in the chart placements of the coronavirus, the Black Death and the Spanish flu years. There are some dissimilarities too, and I'll address those as well. First and foremost it's important to point out that also in the case of the Spanish flu the conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto appears, and it perfects side by side with the deadly second wave of August 1918. Another point of resemblance is Chiron's ingress into Aries in the spring of 1918. Similarly to its present position, it spent the years of the Spanish flu in the first degrees of Aries. Again, much like today, in January 1918 the nodes were positioned in the first degrees of the Capricorn-Cancer axis. Also it's revealing that the Spanish flu outbreak occurred about a year or two before the great conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Virgo during the year 2021. Not unlike our own time, it seems that the short sequence of years before the great conjunction coincides with much turmoil, as if the world is in a "balsamic moon" phase. Back to the list of indicators, it might be worthwhile to point out that Pluto transited through a cardinal sign again, that time it was in Cancer. It's one of the main indicators, as we'll later see. More on Pluto, it should be noted that Pluto was in the same sign as the North Node in the early stages of 1918. Lastly, it's important to point out Mars' retrograde motion in Leo, two years before the outbreak of the Spanish flu, during March 1916. The retrograde motion of Mars in Leo is mentioned here for the second but not the last time. As far as differences are concerned, we can find outer planets placements in Capricorn or Aquarius during both the coronavirus crisis and the Black Death years but not during the Spanish flu period. Also in the case of the Spanish flu we cannot find many planetary placements in air signs, despite the contagiousness of that influenza strand.

Red Cross nurses tend to Spanish
patients in California, 1918

The Astrology of the Justinianic Plague

The Justinianic Plague is named after the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, and it occurred during one of the empire's golden epochs. The capital of the byzantine empire was Constantinople, which was probably the world's biggest metropolis during that time period, but the bubonic plague which hit the city during the year 541 CE changed the course of history by relegating a minor role for the Byzantine empire henceforth. The plague itself was similar to the later 14th century outbreak of Black Death in Europe. Behind the borders of the Byzantine empire the plague reached many port cities in the mediterranean, the Persian Sasanian empire, and many towns in the eastern half of the Mediterranean Basin. Much like the the Black Death which occurred eight centuries later, the death toll was between one third to half of the population[5].      

Astrologically speaking, the Plague of Justinian was characterized by a few very specific patterns, much like the later Black Death in Europe and somewhat like the Spanish influenza virus of the early 20th century. But first, on the origin of the plague, historians agree that the plague came to Constantinople through Egypt, but there's no consensus on whether the plague reached Egypt from India, Africa or from a different location[6]. This is also the reason why we examine the transits of September 539, two years before the plague reached the Byzantine capital. If so, the main similarities in terms of planetary positions are Pluto in Capricorn, the nodes in Capricorn-Cancer axis, a Mars conjunction to Saturn in Libra, Jupiter in Aquarius, and Uranus in the earth sign Virgo. This short list is comprised of many parallels to the current astrological placements, experienced throughout the coronavirus. Notice the similar position of Pluto, the similar although reversed placement of the nodal axis, the Mars-Saturn conjunction in an air sign, the position of Jupiter in a sign whose ruler is Saturn, and lastly the placement of Uranus in an earth sign. It's also worthwhile to mention Mars' retrograde motion in the sign of Leo during the month of December 542, at the zenith of the plague and its utmost spread along the Mediterranean Basin. In the category of dissimilarity to other plagues which were surveyed, the Justinianic Plague didn't occur prior to the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction perfects too early relative to the plague, in December of 537. It would also be interesting to examine Chiron's placement during those years, but sadly ephemeris data on Chiron during the first millennium is incomplete. 

Byzantine emperor Justinian
during whose time the plague 
raged in Constantinople.

The Plague Which Never Was

For fairness' sake we must point out that in the year 846 CE a similar planetary pattern, to the ones which were described in this article, was present. However, there is no historical record of a contemporaneous plague. To be more precise, September 846 included the following planetary placements: Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, the nodes in the Cancer-Capricorn axis, Chiron in Aries and Pluto in Aries as well, a cardinal sign mind you. Furthermore, we are dealing with a period of about two years before the great conjunction, which occurred in the month of May 848, and a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction which occurred in January 849. All things considered, this bears a major likeness to planetary positions during the Black Death, the Spanish flu, the Justinianic Plague, and the the current coronavirus pandemic. Nevertheless, besides natural disasters and wars which occurred during the middle of the 9th century, there is no mention of a major plague in the historical chronicles of that time. This anomaly is difficult to explain, but one possible solution is that in this same critical month of September 846 there was a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which had a mitigating effect on this otherwise corrupting planetary mixture. Another argument, which may explain this exception to the rule, is the nodal axis that year which wasn't aligned with either Saturn or Pluto, rather it was aligned to the arguably benefic conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. 

A Summary of the Astrological Characteristics of Plagues   

We have become acquainted with a number of planetary configurations which tend to repeat themselves during times of mass sickness and plague. For the sake of convenience, and based on the findings of this small research, a list of such planetary factors is brought before you:

* A conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto
* Pluto in the same sign or conjunct the nodal axis, that is Pluto's involvement in the eclipse cycle
* A time period of around one to two years ahead of the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
* A conjunction between Mars and Saturn just prior to or at the beginning of the pandemic
* Chiron in Aries
* Pluto in a cardinal sign
* Uranus in an earth sign
* Jupiter in an earth or air sign
* Saturn in an earth or air sign
* Numerous planetary placements in either earth or air signs
* A retrograde Mars in the sign of Leo

Side by side, we must not forget the curious case of 846 CE, which shows that the presence of such planetary positions is not a sufficient condition for the outbreak of plague. The astrological branch of forecasting future events remains, as ever, an elusive prospect. Our friends, the scientists, know best that complex systems tend to surprise and frustrate the expectations of the researcher. Maybe Aristotle described it best when he said that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".  


[1] Aberth 22-28, 36-53, 117-123.
[2] Ibid 36-53.
[3] Horrox 158-173.
[4] Aberth 117-123.
[5] Ibid 22-28.
[6] Rosen 193-197


Aberth, John. 
Plagues in World History. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011.

Horrox, Rosemary. The Black Death. Manchester University Press, 1994.

Rosen, William. 
Justinian's Flea: Plague, Empire and the Birth of Europe. Random House, 2010. 

This article was first published in Hebrew in the astrological magazine, on the 5th of May 2020. 
To access the original version of the article please use the following URL:האסטרולוגיה-של-מגפות-בצל-התפרצות-וירו