I've took some time to look at major predictive techniques for the 2024 US presidential race.
I've checked both candidates, Trump and Harris, for the outcomes of some major forecasting techniques.
Most of the techniques used are taken from traditional astrology.
Many predictive techniques were checked for the date of writing, which is the 1st of Nov 2024.
The results are available here, for you to read.
Some technical notes:
I've used the Astro-Databank listed times for both Trump and Harris.
In the primary directions section, I've used the method of Placidus semi-arc, zodiacal.
For firdaria I've used the regular sequence, discarding the change of node positions for night charts.
The solar return section uses the candidates' birth town as a reference place.
For all pictures in this article, please click on them to see an enlarged version with more detail.
Made some minor edits and revamped the solar return section, on the 4.11.24.

Zodiacal Releasing
Trump enters a major L1 period, when releasing from spirit, on the 20th of April 2025. Three months after inauguration day. This seems quite major, as Leo is Trump's 1st house in his whole sign (WS) chart. Also, the Sun which rules Leo is in the auspicious 10th, conjunct the elevating north node. Also, a good indication.
Alas, Mars and Pluto inhabit in Trump's 1st WS house, and Mars is the out of sect malefic. This may show that violence or the use of force may somehow be involved at the beginning of this period.
On level-2, when releasing from spirit, Trump is in a culmination period till the 21st of Nov 2024. This may also play to his advantage. This culmination period isn't all flowers and rainbows though, as it fall on a cadent house, both natally and from fortune.
We also need to take in account that major periods are basically signs of active times in one's life, not necessarily good active times for the native. That's also a possibility in Trump's case.
Harris' zodiacal releasing period, from spirit, also seem decent. Right now and till July 2025, she's in a major L1 and L2 period (angular from fortune). Also, the relatively benefic north node is located in her L2 sign of activation (Gemini).
Overall, nothing too exciting here, but things do seem positive and stable.
In conclusion, Harris' ZR spirit period looks more stable, and thus a bit better.

Annual Profections
In continuous annual profections we can see that Trump is currently in a Pisces profected year, which would fall on his unlucky 8th house. The ruler would be Jupiter in Libra in the 2nd house, which is okay in terms of dignity (term and triplicity, and stationing direct). I'm not sure though, how that Jupiter would fare in terms of bringing Trump to a position of authority. It may be a bit less likely.
Overall, the Profections don't seem as good, although they don't seem horrible, either.
We can see that in continuous annual profections Kamala Harris has the advantage. Till the end of December 2024, she's in a Gemini profected year, which falls on her rising sign. This makes the period the possible stage for a new beginning of sorts, maybe a presidency.
Also we have the more positive north node in her rising sign, and the ruler would be Mercury. That Mercury isn't in the best shape as it's peregrine, and in the 6th WS house. Despite that fact, Mercury is conjunct the Sun which symbolizes authority and is conjunct the fixed star Princeps, which has to do with nobility or royalty. Also Mercury is the ruler of the rising, which may negate some if its drawbacks.
Overall, I'd say that the profections look better in the case of Harris, and less beneficial in the case of Trump. Although, not by much.
Also we have the more positive north node in her rising sign, and the ruler would be Mercury. That Mercury isn't in the best shape as it's peregrine, and in the 6th WS house. Despite that fact, Mercury is conjunct the Sun which symbolizes authority and is conjunct the fixed star Princeps, which has to do with nobility or royalty. Also Mercury is the ruler of the rising, which may negate some if its drawbacks.
Overall, I'd say that the profections look better in the case of Harris, and less beneficial in the case of Trump. Although, not by much.
Distributions (Circumambulations through the bounds)
Trump's latest development in distributions is focused on his directed ascendant lord moving to the terms of Mars, inside the sign of Scorpio in Aug 2023.
Mars is a strong but a divisive planet in his chart, being conjunct the ascendant, not far away from Regulus and in the feral sign of Leo. Trump's directed ascendant first moved to the terms of Mars (back then it was in Libra) in January 2021, when he vacated his seat and agitated towards January 6th, which didn't bring him much favor. Probably, Trump would continue his divisive line, even after the elections would be over. This may mean he would lose, and then try to agitate against Harris, claiming election fraud.
Harris' distributions look better. Her directed ascendant moved to the bounds of Saturn in July 2020, which was approximately the time, in which she announced that she'd be running for president. As we know, this bid failed, but she was chosen to be Biden's running mate. Thus we can see that the shift of her directed ascendant to a Saturn bound, coincided with political success.
In 2024, her directed ascendant would still be in the bound of Saturn, for five more years. This probably means that her political rise will continue and that she would be elected as the next president.
We also have to note that Saturn is very prominent in her horoscope. Being conjunct the MC, domicile in Aquarius and supporting her luminaries by positive aspects.
Funny enough, Harris' natal chart shows the Saturn in Aquarius is in opposition to her natal Mars in Leo, and in exact opposition to Trump's Mars in Leo. Recreating this plot line of her life story, perhaps.
The bottom line is that distributions seem to favor Harris over Trump.
Trump's latest development in distributions is focused on his directed ascendant lord moving to the terms of Mars, inside the sign of Scorpio in Aug 2023.
Mars is a strong but a divisive planet in his chart, being conjunct the ascendant, not far away from Regulus and in the feral sign of Leo. Trump's directed ascendant first moved to the terms of Mars (back then it was in Libra) in January 2021, when he vacated his seat and agitated towards January 6th, which didn't bring him much favor. Probably, Trump would continue his divisive line, even after the elections would be over. This may mean he would lose, and then try to agitate against Harris, claiming election fraud.
Harris' distributions look better. Her directed ascendant moved to the bounds of Saturn in July 2020, which was approximately the time, in which she announced that she'd be running for president. As we know, this bid failed, but she was chosen to be Biden's running mate. Thus we can see that the shift of her directed ascendant to a Saturn bound, coincided with political success.
In 2024, her directed ascendant would still be in the bound of Saturn, for five more years. This probably means that her political rise will continue and that she would be elected as the next president.
We also have to note that Saturn is very prominent in her horoscope. Being conjunct the MC, domicile in Aquarius and supporting her luminaries by positive aspects.
Funny enough, Harris' natal chart shows the Saturn in Aquarius is in opposition to her natal Mars in Leo, and in exact opposition to Trump's Mars in Leo. Recreating this plot line of her life story, perhaps.
The bottom line is that distributions seem to favor Harris over Trump.
Primary Directions
The primary directions in the case of Trump make sense when we check them using the Naibod direction key. Using the Naibod key and his angles as promissors, we can see that the directed ASC reaches his natal Uranus, at around April 2025. This may show that after losing the elections, Trump will try to "pull a hat trick" and act in some way or form, in order to overturn the result of the elections. The events of January 6th 2021 come to mind, although it will probably be different this time.
This, I would say, is his biggest direction in the near future. It also hints at lack of other testimony to support his win in the presidential race.
In Harris' primary directions, also using the Naibod key, we see something akin to a struggle, which is followed by some positive testimonies.
In Mach-April 2025 Harris has Mars as promissor squaring Pluto as significator. Following that she has Jupiter as promissor opposing Venus as significator, and then she has Mercury as promissor opposing Saturn as significator. This may show that for Kamala too, the coming spring would prove to be difficult, but I don't think it precludes her from winning the election. This is probably the case as her directions become positive from August 2025 and till August 2027. I think that after some troubled times, any further attempt by Trump to overthrow the result would be unsuccessful.
From April 2024 and until September 2025, Trump is located in a Sun major period, Mercury sub-period, in his Firdaria sequence. The Sun fits his current ambition, to return to the white house, as it's the Sun and it rules his natal 1st house. Mercury though, may show that his rallies and television appearances are carefully choreographed, in the attempt to gain mass appeal. This is apparent as Mercury is in his natal 11th, and in that it squares both Jupiter and Neptune in his chart. The Mercury square to Neptune is also telling. Prior to this period being over, the count of the votes can be a major talking point in Trump's rhetoric. Plus, he would probably ask for a recount and possibly claim election fraud. This is in line with Mercury's role as a trickster (or a "stable genius" perhaps).
From September 2025, Trump shifts to a Moon sub-period. His natal moon is in his 4th house of home, and this may show that he'll be going back to his home in Florida, by that time.
In Harris' case, she's currently in a Mercury major period, and Moon sub-period. Mercury, as the ruler of her rising, is a good indication of a major time in her life (although Trump has a parallel testimony with his Sun in major period). The moon as a sub-period ruler, is interesting for a few reasons. It is in combative Aries and it's in the lucky 11th, although it's rather weak in essential dignity. This mostly shows that Harris would have to put up a fight, during the time of the election, and in the events which would follow.
From July 2025, her Firdaria sub-period shifts to a Saturn sub-period. The Saturn, as we established in the distributions section, is a strong horoscope factor which may catapult her to the actual job of running the United States.
Concluding the Firdaria section, we don't have a clear winner, but a sequence of dates and events is roughly established. Possibly, Harris has the edge.

Solar Returns
When we examine Trump's 2024 solar return chart by itself, the first thing which stands out is the applying opposition of ascendant ruler, the Moon, to Saturn. This happens while the Moon is approaching the IC, which points to Trump "going back home". I don't think that 'home' here refers to the White House, as the applying opposition to Saturn smells like something bad, and probably a loss. That same Saturn, is the ruler of the 7th of opponents, and is more strongly placed near the MC, which symbolizes assuming positions of power for Kamala.
Also, the Moon which stands for Trump, is in a cadent house and in hard aspects to many planets.
Lastly, the ruler of the 10th is Jupiter and the Moon is configured in a separating square from it. The presidency as 'getting away'.
When we examine Harris' 2024 solar return chart we see a brighter picture. Venus, a benefic, is conjunct the rising sign. The ruler of the rising, Jupiter, although retrograde and in detriment, is positioned in an angular house and the moon is applying to it by conjunction. The last part seems to give Harris the initiative.
The Moon and the ruler of the rising, Jupiter, both aspect the MC degree by a dexter square. This gives the impression that the presidency is within reach.
Mercury, which signifies Harris' opponent, is peregrine and conjunct the unlucky 12th house cusp.
In conclusion Harris' solar return chart looks better than Trump's solar return chart.

The majority of traditional predictive techniques point out that Harris will probably win the elections.
There seems to be an intermediary stage of sorts, in which votes would be recounted, or the result of the election would go to court (like in the 2000 elections), or something akin to January 6th 2021 would happen. Only after this would be settled, Harris would be able to concentrate on running the US, and not before. In terms of chronology, this may end up being during late spring 2025 or during the summer of 2025.
Regardless of my humble conclusions, please go out and vote it you're a US citizen.

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