Saturday, 31 August 2024

Neptune in Aries, 2025-2039: Struggle for Unity

Neptune will ingress into the sign of Aries on the 30th of March 2025, and it would leave Aries on the 23d of March 2039. A sojourn of 14 years, overall. 
What can we expect from Neptune in Aries? This short article is written with the purpose of answering this question. 

After conducting a short historical research on the subject, it seems that the number one symbolism and archetype of Neptune in Aries is something I'd call the "Struggle for Unity". Please note the need to struggle, fight or wage war in order to achieve unity. In some cases failure would also be an option, though the struggle would still be there. 

The simplest example is the things which happened during the previous transit of Neptune in Aries. 
Most importantly, it was the time of the American Civil War, which began on April 12th 1861, while Neptune ingressed into aries on the following day (April 13th of the same year)! 
The war was waged for the following 4 years, while Neptune's transit through a sign takes 14 years. 

Why is it important, or demonstrative? 
The war was waged over the secession of the southern states from the union, and the primary aim of the United States government was to prevent secession and restore the union, a Neptunian goal. Fighting was necessary to a achieve that goal, hence the ingress of Neptune into the sign of Aries. 

During the civil war, there came to be something of a cult for generals. Commanders who would excel at the war effort, preserving the independence of the Confederate states, or saving the war effort on the side of the north. It seems that the public was looking for a savior, in a way, a Neptune figure. Only, at that time, the savior was a war hero. Figures which may fit the bill are General Robert E. Lee on the side of the South, and General Ulysses S. Grant, on the side of the north.   
This is all quite disparaging, as we come to terms with the fact that Neptune in Aries glorifies war, bloodshed and patriotism in its base form.   

Another note of interest is that just like with the coming Neptune Aries ingress in 2025, the last time Neptune was in Aries, Uranus was simultaneously in Gemini. This increases the chance of a somewhat similar symbolic outcome, at least on a few fronts. 
Uranus was in Gemini 1858-1866, and it would be in Gemini 2025-2033.   

The subject of Slavery is another apt topic for any Neptunian endeavor. This is probably the case as the American Civil War started due to differences, which stemmed from slavery related issues. The expansion of slavery into new states and the election of Abraham Lincoln, who seemed like a threat to southern economic interests and way of life. 

The connection to Neptune in Aries is simple. To fight in order to free the slaves, as part of the northern rhetoric, and the fight in order to preserve the southern way of life, on part of the Confederate states. 

The idea of slavery as something benign or family-like, is also Neptunian at its core. It was myth, which was propagated by southern politicians and publicists. A myth whose aim was to defend economic interests and power dynamics, in the southern states. 

Neptune, of course, was still in Aries long after the civil war was over, in 1865. This makes sense when we consider the processes which commenced after the war. Chiefly I refer to the Reconstruction Era, a twelve year period, in which the north tried to integrate back into the union, the southern states which tried to secede. As the process was deemed by some historians as lenient, forgiving and quite 'soft' on the south, we can treat it as Neptunian.

This is also tragic, in more than one way. The emancipation of black slaves resulted in economic conditions and social realities, which weren't much different than those which existed before the war. Notwithstanding the fact that slavery per se was now illegal. Paradoxical results, tragic events and unforeseen circumstances, are also under the purview of Neptune. 

If we take this symbolism Back to our own time, a light bulb may appear above our heads. 
As the split amongst the population in America keeps widening along political lines, and the possibility that Trump will get back to office, after the coming 2024 elections. Also, with the amount of guns prevelant in American households. May this all hint at another civil war, just beyond the horizon? It's hard to say for sure, although events like the Storming of the Capitol (January 6th), and Trump saying that 'it would be the last election if he's chosen', may provide clues. 

Where I'm based, in Israel, something rather similar is happening. The population here is also starkly divided along political lines. One camp is in favor of the current prime minister, Netanyahu, who is a right wing conservative. Another camp protests against Netanyahu, practically all of the time, but thus far their successes in removing him were temporary, at best. 
The continuation of Netanyahu's term in office, bears a direct influence on the peace process, and the chance of establishing a Palestinian state. With the side which is in favor of removing him, advocates diplomacy and the two state solution, while Netanyahu and his supporters are against it.   
So, may all of this lead to a civil war in Israel as well? It remains to be seen.     

Another problem which is ongoing in the Holy Land is the problem of secularism vs the encroachment of religion. As the population here becomes more religious and orthodox, due to higher reproductive rates amongst ultra-orthodox families, secular people in society consider a split or a canton system (just like in Switzerland). This would allow them local autonomy to practice their secular way of life, without the conversion attempts of their religious compatriots, plus sending their children to non-religious schools, and the like. 
May such a scenario come to be? Just like the split of the biblical kingdom of Israel, into Judah and Israel. A process which may spur inner conflict and a yearning for national unity. We'll find out, in the coming decade. 


All the while, as the Civil War was waged in America, Europe also experienced some Neptune in Aries historical developments. The first of those wasn't concretely in Europe itself, rather it was a process which happened in Africa, and was conducted by European powers. I'm talking about Colonialism, of course. 

Neptune was previously in Aries in 1861 till 1875. It was just before the height of European colonialism, as European nations carved bigger and bigger slices from the black continent. 
The entire phenomenon of colonialism has strong Neptunian qualities as well. The idea that Africans needed to be saved, to be cultured and to be more like Europeans is Neptunian at heart. At the time Europeans alluded to it as 'saving Africans', and it was true in two ways. To save their souls by converting them to Christianity, and to save them from their own backwardness and savagery.
Needless to say that all this was uncalled for. It was a myth, propagated by European power brokers. A myth which helped justify the economic exploitation of Africa. The proverbial Neptune issue of illusion and deceit. Possibly, self deceit as well.  

Strangely enough, a similar trend exists nowadays. China is entangling African and some Latin American nations in big infrastructure loans. While the loans seem benign, from the outside, often the nations which commit to them can't repay those huge sums. Thus, they become enslaved to Chinese interests, and are left with no choice but to concede strategic assets, which are repossessed by the People's Republic of China.  
France also enacts a form of neo-colonialism, in its former colonial possessions in north and west Africa. Contemporarily, control and exploitation is rather economic, than military.  
Neptune's incoming ingress into the sign of Aries may exacerbate these processes and bring them to a finale of sorts. More wars perhaps? A national struggle to remove the foreign yoke, maybe? 


Another historical trend which was concurrent during the previous Neptune in Aries period, was the Unification of Germany and Italy. Let's start with Italy's unification, which was proclaimed in March 1861, one month before the ingress of Neptune into Aries. We need to clarify that the unification was a lengthy process, which continued up to 1870, when Rome was taken from the Papal States. Throughout this time, Neptune was in Aries. 
The unification itself is an obviously apt symbolism for Neptune's transit in a cardinal fire sign. The war which was waged in order to unify the different states, duchies and principalities.

A similar process happened in Germany, and at about the same time. Otto Von Bismarck came to power in 1862. A military alliance which unified many German states was signed in 1866, prior to the Austro-Prussian War. This is very fitting to Neptune in Aries, as a military treaty eventually lead to the unification of the nation. Later, in 1871, while Neptune was still in Aries, the German Empire was officially proclaimed, after the Germans won the Franco-Prussian War. Another symbolic amalgam between the archetype of Neptune in one of the signs of Mars. 

Back to present time, we have Putin who laments the dissolution of the Soviet Union as the biggest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century. It seems that Putin's goal is to lead Russia back into its glory days, when Moscow controlled an extended swath of territory beyond the Russian mainland. With the war in Ukraine ongoing, and the occasional news of Putin eyeing more states to devour, Neptune in Aries may demonstrate the Russian desire to engorge what was previously their own. Russia as the successor to the Soviet Union.  

Another geopolitical concern is the rising tensions between the US and China. A possible turning point would be a Chinese invasion to the island nation of Taiwan. A nation which the Communist Chinese see as a breakaway province. So we have another Neptunian motive at the base of a possible future war. 
Many astrologers note that whilst Uranus was in Gemini, the US was always involved in one war or another. Uranus would ingress into Gemini in July 2025, a few months after Neptune's ingress into Aries. This makes the China-US war scenario more likely, although we can't know for sure at this point in time. 

When we consider the Neptune in Aries impulse for nation forming, it's not beyond belief that nations like Palestine can be formed and recognized, in the coming decade or two. Already, many countries are recognizing Palestine as a nation state.
Perhaps, the Palestinian Authority (PA) which is headed by the Fattah party in the West Bank, and Hamas which controls the Gaza strip, would also be united under this Neptune in Aries influence. Whether they would be united under the secular PA, or by fundamentalist Hamas, it remains to be seen. Though the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune on the 20th of Feb 2026, in Aries, may give Hamas an edge. Saturn representing government and Neptune representing religion. A religious government, perhaps.  
Other separatist groups, backed by national claims, can also find themselves in the center of hotspots. Possibly the Kurds, in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Maybe Tamils in Sri Lanka. In Europe we have voices for Scottish, Catalan and Basque independence. Maybe even Tibetans in China and India. A movement to cancel Brexit and reintegrate the UK, into the EU? Who knows.    


In conclusion, peaceful Neptune in one of Mars' domiciles, seems like a less than savory combination. With the post Covid, Neptune in Pisces world, things seem to be going somewhat downhill. 
Our small conciliation is that astrology is not an exact science, and that it has the tendency to surprise and bewilder its users. Let's hope that the upcoming surprises would be for the best. 

It's a bit of a paradox that Neptune in Aries prompts both a dream of gaining independence, and a desire to achieve unity. Both by way of struggle and war, mind you. This movement and counter-movement create a deadly collision course, which often leads to armed conflict.
Over idealism, can indeed be detrimental.  


Picture below in clockwise motion, from top left: General Robert E. Lee (American civil war), Rudyard Kipling (Colonialism), Giuseppe Garibaldi (Unification of Italy) and Otto Von Bismarck (Unification of Germany). 

Neptune in Aries leaders, 19th cent


I've decided to add some Additional content, after engaging in discussion over forums and groups online, about Neptune in Aries. Some interesting ideas were raised in these discussions. So, here goes.

Also, Neptune in Aries could bring an influx of new beliefs, denominations, sects, spiritual teachers, superstitions and maybe even religions. These type of things may become mighty popular from 2025 and going forward.  

Forum user rusosovietico, from the Astro-Seek forum, added an interesting comment about the coming Neptune in Aries ingress.
According to his words, Neptune in Aries activates people´s desire to form, achieve or gain a national or group identity. That is, the ideal (Neptune) is channeled through the Aries archetype, which leads to a struggle for self determination.
This is an interesting alternate explanation to the "struggle for unity" hypothesis, which is presented in the present article. 

It also has to be said that a short while after Neptune would enter Aries, Saturn would complete a conjunction with it in the 1st degree of that sign. This would happen on the 20th of February 2026, and the outcomes may be quite interesting. this is the case because its a conjunction between heavy and influential planets, in the 1st degree of the Zodiac. 

The Saturn Neptune conjunction can symbolize 'a restart', or desire for 'a restart', in terms of many institutions and world realities. Many people are unsatisfied and would like to start things from scratch, or retire old systems and institutions, in favor of new ones. This is inherent in the symbolism, as Neptune may create despair and disappointment with current realities (Saturn).
Let me cite a few examples. Democracy as a system of government, the capitalist system and neoliberalism, which lead to ever growing wealth inequality in today's world. Also, institutions like NATO and the UN seem to be on way to be reformed or replaced.
Probably the Pisces to Aries shift is also a move from globalism to isolationism, not just with Brexit and Trump's possible return to office, but in general.
Maybe real estate prices would crumble, or take a hit, with the influence from Neptune onto Saturn.
Just like subprime mortgages lead to the 2008 Financial Crisis in the US, we may be on the edge of another depression.
It's interesting that Saturn can signify walls and Neptune, the oceans. Like in the Netherlands, probably countries would have to invest in sea walls, due to global warming and the rise of sea levels. Needless to say that the conjunction is happening in a fire sign, hence global warming.
And probably this Saturn-Neptune combination would lead to increased anti-immigrant sentiment. As Neptune may signify the helplessness of refugees, immigrants and those escaping from less well to do locations on the globe. Contrasted with Saturn in Aries, which may signify the conservative streak of many governments, and them adopting various means to block or deport migrants. Even if it's done by force.


Chart for the first incoming ingress of Neptune in Aries, for the location of Washington DC, on the 30th of March 2025. 

Aries ingress of Neptune, 2025

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